(Ebook) Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook, Third Edition by R. Winston Revie ISBN 9780470080320, 9780470872864, 0470080329, 0470872861
This book serves as a reference for engineers, scientists, and students concerned with the use of materials in applications where reliability and resistance to corrosion are important. It updates the coverage of its predecessor, including coverage of: corrosion rates of steel in major river systems and atmospheric corrosion rates, the corrosion behavior of materials such as weathering steels and newer stainless alloys, and the corrosion behavior and engineering approaches to corrosion control for nonmetallic materials. New chapters include: high-temperature oxidation of metals and alloys, nanomaterials, and dental materials, anodic protection. Also featured are chapters dealing with standards for corrosion testing, microbiological corrosion, and electrochemical noise.Content: Chapter 1 Corrosion Failure Analysis with Case Histories (pages 1–14): L. E. Eiselstein and R. HuetChapter 2 Cost of Metallic Corrosion (pages 15–20): J. KrugerChapter 3 Economics of Corrosion (pages 21–30): E. D. VerinkChapter 4 Lifetime Prediction of Materials in Environments (pages 31–74): R. W. StaehleChapter 5 Estimating the Risk of Pipeline Failure Due to Corrosion (pages 75–82): M. NessimChapter 6 Designing to Prevent Corrosion (pages 83–91): E. D. VerinkChapter 7 Simplified Procedure for Constructing Pourbaix Diagrams (pages 93–101): E. D. VerinkChapter 8 Pourbaix Diagrams for Multielement Systems (pages 103–109): W. T. Thompson, M. H. Kaye, C. W. Bale and A. D. PeltonChapter 9 Computation of Pourbaix Diagrams at Elevated Temperature (pages 111–122): M. H. Kaye and W. T. ThompsonChapter 10 Galvanic Corrosion (pages 123–143): X. G. ZhangChapter 11 Dealloying (pages 145–149): R. HeidersbachChapter 12 Passivity (pages 151–155): J. KrugerChapter 13 Localized Corrosion of Passive Metals (pages 157–169): H. BohniChapter 14 Stress Corrosion Cracking (pages 171–181): R. N. ParkinsChapter 15 Hydrogen?Induced Cracking and Sulfide Stress Cracking (pages 183–194): M. ElboujdainiChapter 16 Corrosion Fatigue (pages 195–202): Y.?Z. WangChapter 17 Flow Effects on Corrosion (pages 203–213): K. D. EfirdChapter 18 Erosion–Corrosion in Single? and Multiphase Flow (pages 215–227): J. Postlethwaite and S. NesicChapter 19 Carbon Dioxide Corrosion of Mild Steel (pages 229–245): S. NesicChapter 20 High?Temperature Oxidation (pages 247–280): C. A. C. SequeiraChapter 21 Thermochemical Evaluation of Corrosion Product Stabilities for Alloys in Gases at High Temperature (pages 281–286): W. T. Thompson, R. C. John and A. L. YoungChapter 22 A Procedure to Compute Equilibrium Gas?Phase Speciation for Use with Predominance Diagrams (pages 287–297): M. H. Piro, B. J. Lewis and W. T. ThompsonChapter 23 Atmospheric Corrosion (pages 299–326): P. R. RobergeChapter 24 Atmospheric Corrosion in Cold Regions (pages 327–331): G. A. KingChapter 25 Corrosion by Soils (pages 333–349): T. R. Jack and M. J. WilmottChapter 26 Microbial Degradation of Materials: General Processes (pages 351–363): J.?D. Gu, T. E. Ford and R. MitchellChapter 27 Corrosion Probability and Statistical Evaluation of Corrosion Data (pages 365–384): T. ShibataChapter 28 Corrosion of Refractories and Ceramics (pages 385–398): M. RigaudChapter 29 Corrosion of Glass (pages 399–419): B. GrambowChapter 30 Microbiological Degradation of Polymeric Materials (pages 421–438): J.?D. Gu, T. E. Ford, D. B. Mitton and R. MitchellChapter 31 Durability of Concrete (pages 439–449): V. M. MalhotraChapter 32 Microbiological Corrosion of Concrete (pages 451–460): J.?D. Gu, T. E. Ford and R. MitchellChapter 33 Microbial Degradation of Wood (pages 461–467): P. I. MorrisChapter 34 Use of Chemicals to Prevent Degradation of Wood (pages 469–477): J. N. R. RuddickChapter 35 Metal–Matrix Composites (pages 479–502): L. H. HiharaChapter 36 Environmental Degradation of Engineered Barrier Materials in Nuclear Waste Repositories (pages 503–516): R. B. RebakChapter 37 Corrosion Behavior of Electrodeposited Nanocrystals (pages 517–528): U. ErbChapter 38 Corrosion of Shape Memory and Superelastic Alloys (pages 529–547): L. E. EiselsteinChapter 39 Microbiological Corrosion of Metallic Materials (pages 549–557): J.?D. Gu, T. E. Ford and R. MitchellChapter 40 Electronic Materials, Components, and Devices (pages 559–564): R. P. Frankenthal and L. F. Garfias?MesiasChapter 41 Corrosion of Electronics: Lead?Free Initiatives (pages 565–570): M. Reid and L. F. Garfias?MesiasChapter 42 Metastable Alloys (pages 571–578): K. HashimotoChapter 43 Carbon Steel—Atmospheric Corrosion (pages 579–588): I. MatsushimaChapter 44 Carbon Steel—Corrosion in Freshwaters (pages 589–600): I. MatsushimaChapter 45 Carbon Steel—Corrosion by Seawater (pages 601–607): I. MatsushimaChapter 46 Carbon Steel—Corrosion by Soils (pages 609–613): I. MatsushimaChapter 47 Localized Corrosion of Iron and Steel (pages 615–619): I. MatsushimaChapter 48 Weathering Steel (pages 621–631): T. MurataChapter 49 Corrosion of Steel in Concrete (pages 633–647): J. P. BroomfieldChapter 50 Ethanol Stress Corrosion Cracking of Carbon Steels (pages 649–656): J. Beavers, F. Gui and N. SridharChapter 51 Austenitic and Ferritic Stainless Steels (pages 657–693): M. A. Streicher and J. F. GrubbChapter 52 Duplex Stainless Steels (pages 695–706): M.?L. Falkland, M. Glaes and M. LiljasChapter 53 Martensitic Stainless Steels (pages 707–714): J. F. GrubbChapter 54 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys (pages 715–745): E. GhaliChapter 55 Cobalt Alloys (pages 747–756): P. Crook and W. L. SilenceChapter 56 Copper and Copper Alloys (pages 757–785): C. A. C. SequeiraChapter 57 Lead and Lead Alloys (pages 787–808): F. E. GoodwinChapter 58 Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys (pages 809–836): E. GhaliChapter 59 Nickel and Nickel Alloys (pages 837–852): D. C. Agarwal and N. SridharChapter 60 Tin and Tinplate (pages 853–860): T. P. MurphyChapter 61 Titanium and Titanium Alloys (pages 861–878): J. Been and J. S. GraumanChapter 62 Zinc (pages 879–892): X. G. ZhangChapter 63 Zirconium Alloy Corrosion (pages 893–900): B. CoxChapter 64 Controlling Flow Effects on Corrosion (pages 901–905): K. D. EfirdChapter 65 Erosion–Corrosion: Recognition and Control (pages 907–913): J. Postlethwaite and S. NesicChapter 66 Using Plastics, Elastomers, and Composites for Corrosion Control (pages 915–970): P. R. KhaladkarChapter 67 Corrosion Control of Steel by Organic Coatings (pages 971–983): C. H. HareChapter 68 Selection and Use of Coatings for Underground or Submersion Service (pages 985–1000): R. NorsworthyChapter 69 Engineering of Cathodic Protection Systems (pages 1001–1011): J. H. FitzgeraldChapter 70 Stray?Current Analysis (pages 1013–1020): J. H. FitzgeraldChapter 71 Corrosion Inhibitors (pages 1021–1032): S. PapavinasamChapter 72 Computer Technology for Corrosion Assessment and Control (pages 1033–1044): S. SrinivasanChapter 73 Principles of Accelerated Corrosion Testing (pages 1045–1052): D. L. JordanChapter 74 High?Temperature Oxidation—Testing and Evaluation (pages 1053–1058): C. A. C. SequeiraChapter 75 Testing for Flow Effects on Corrosion (pages 1059–1062): K. D. EfirdChapter 76 Accelerated Testing of Electronics to Simulate Long?Term Worldwide Environments (pages 1063–1070): L. F. Garfias?Mesias and M. ReidChapter 77 Testing for Environmentally Assisted Cracking (pages 1071–1086): R. D. KaneChapter 78 Test Methods for Wet H2S Cracking (pages 1087–1093): M. ElboujdainiChapter 79 Atmospheric Corrosion Testing (pages 1095–1099): D. L. JordanChapter 80 Galvanic Corrosion Testing (pages 1101–1102): X. G. ZhangChapter 81 Testing of Aluminum, Magnesium, and Their Alloys (pages 1103–1106): E. GhaliChapter 82 Testing of Polymeric Materials for Corrosion Control (pages 1107–1116): B. Thomson and R. P. CampionChapter 83 Corrosion Testing of Refractories and Ceramics (pages 1117–1119): M. RigaudChapter 84 Evaluation and Selection of Corrosion Inhibitors (pages 1121–1127): S. PapavinasamChapter 85 Practical Corrosion Prediction Using Electrochemical Techniques (pages 1129–1166): D. C. SilvermanChapter 86 Electrochemical Noise (pages 1167–1177): D. A. Eden, Q. J. Meng, M. Mendez and M. YunovichChapter 87 Corrosion Monitoring (pages 1179–1201): P. R. RobergeChapter 88 Diagnosing, Measuring, and Monitoring Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (pages 1203–1216): B. J. Little, R. I. Ray and J. S. Lee
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