(Ebook) Principles of Health Care Ethics, Second Edition by Richard Edmund Ashcroft, Angus Dawson, Heather Draper, John McMillan ISBN 9780470027134, 9780470510544, 0470027134, 0470510544
Content: Chapter 1 The ‘Four Principles’ Approach to Health Care Ethics (pages 3–10): Tom L. BeauchampChapter 2 Theories of Autonomy (pages 11–17): Natalie StoljarChapter 3 Beneficence (pages 19–26): Garrett CullityChapter 4 Responsibilities for Poverty?Related Ill Health (pages 27–33): Thomas PoggeChapter 5 Liberalism and Communitarianism (pages 35–41): Colin TylerChapter 6 How Many Principles for Bioethics? (pages 43–50): Robert M. VeatchChapter 7 Casuistical Reasoning in Medical Ethics (pages 51–56): Albert R. JonsenChapter 8 Utilitarianism and Bioethics (pages 57–64): Matti HayryChapter 9 Deontology (pages 65–71): David A. McNaughton and J. Piers RawlingChapter 10 Kantian Ethics (pages 73–77): Principal Onora O'neillChapter 11 Feminist Approaches to Health Care Ethics (pages 79–85): Susan SherwinChapter 12 Virtue Theory (pages 87–91): Justin OakleyChapter 13 Moral Relativism (pages 93–98): Mark SheehanChapter 14 Christian Approaches to Bioethics (pages 99–107): Heather WiddowsChapter 15 Judaism and Medicine: Jewish Medical Ethics (pages 109–115): Fred RosnerChapter 16 The Search for Islamic Bioethics Principles (pages 117–125): Abdulaziz SachedinaChapter 17 Buddhist Bioethics (pages 127–133): James HughesChapter 18 South Asian Approaches to Health Care Ethics (pages 135–142): Harold CowardChapter 19 The Specious Idea of an Asian Bioethics: Beyond Dichotomizing East and West (pages 143–149): Jing?Bao NieChapter 20 Narrative Ethics (pages 151–157): Howard BrodyChapter 21 Empirical Approaches to Health Care Ethics (pages 159–165): Jeremy Sugarman, Robert A. Pearlman and Holly A. TaylorChapter 22 Medical Sociology and the Redundancy of Empirical Ethics (pages 167–175): Adam HedgecoeChapter 23 The Use of Thought Experiments in Health Care Ethics (pages 177–183): Adrian WalshChapter 24 Deliberative Bioethics (pages 185–191): Michael ParkerChapter 25 Law, Ethics and Health Care (pages 193–198): Sheila A. M. McLeanChapter 26 Medical Humanities: An Overview (pages 199–206): Martyn EvansChapter 27 Reflective Equilibrium as a Method in Health Care Ethics (pages 207–213): Theo van WilligenburgChapter 28 Hermeneutic Ethics between Practice and Theory (pages 215–221): Guy A. M. Widdershoven and Tineke A. AbmaChapter 29 Paternalism in Health Care and Health Policy (pages 223–229): James F. ChildressChapter 30 Need: An Instrumental View (pages 231–238): Anthony J. CulyerChapter 31 Rights (pages 239–245): James G. S. WilsonChapter 32 Exploitation in Health Care (pages 247–254): Alan WertheimerChapter 33 Competence to Consent (pages 255–261): Monique F. JonasChapter 34 The Doctrine of Double Effect (pages 263–268): Suzanne UniackeChapter 35 Ordinary and Extraordinary Means (pages 269–272): Stephen D. JohnChapter 36 Acts and Omissions (pages 273–276): Tuija TakalaChapter 37 Personhood and Moral Status (pages 277–283): Ainsley J. NewsonChapter 38 Commodification (pages 285–291): Stephen WilkinsonChapter 39 Consent and Informed Consent (pages 297–303): Neil C. MansonChapter 40 Treatment Decisions for Incapacitated Patients (pages 305–310): Rebecca S. DresserChapter 41 Children's Consent to Medical Treatment (pages 311–317): David W. ArchardChapter 42 Patients and Disclosure of Surgical Risk (pages 319–324): Justin OakleyChapter 43 Confidentiality (pages 325–332): Rebecca BennettChapter 44 Truth Telling, Lying and the Doctor–Patient Relationship (pages 333–337): Roger HiggsChapter 45 Personal Beliefs and Patient Care (pages 339–344): Jennifer JacksonChapter 46 Conscience and Health Care Ethics (pages 345–350): Piers BennChapter 47 Care in Families (pages 351–356): Hilde LindemannChapter 48 The Ethics of Primary Health Care (pages 357–363): Annettee J. Braunack?MayerChapter 49 The Nurse–Patient Relationship: A ‘Principles plus Care’ Account (pages 365–370): Steven D. EdwardsChapter 50 Dual Responsibilities: Do They Raise Any Different Ethical Issues from ‘Normal’ Therapeutic Relationships? (pages 371–377): Ann Sommerville and Veronica EnglishChapter 51 Violent and Abusive Patients: An Ethically Informed Response (pages 379–385): G. M. Behr, J. S. Emmanuel and J. P. RuddockChapter 52 The Moral Significance of the Human Foetus (pages 387–392): Norman FordChapter 53 Will We Need Abortion in Utopia? (pages 393–400): Adrienne AschChapter 54 Maternal–Foetal Conflict (pages 401–407): Rosamund ScottChapter 55 Limits to Reproductive Liberty (pages 409–413): Thomas H. MurrayChapter 56 Disability without Denial (pages 415–420): Tom SorellChapter 57 Disability and Equity: Should Difference Be Welcomed? (pages 421–425): Tom ShakespeareChapter 58 Genetic Counselling (pages 427–434): Angus ClarkeChapter 59 Ethics and Psychotherapy: An Issue of Trust (pages 435–442): Tim BondChapter 60 Mental Illness and Compulsory Treatment (pages 443–448): John R. McMillanChapter 61 Personality Disorders and Compulsory Detention (pages 449–454): Matt MatraversChapter 62 Labia mea, Domine: Media, Morality and Eating Disorders (pages 455–461): Simona GiordanoChapter 63 Intellectual Disability (pages 463–467): Pekka LouhialaChapter 64 Ethical Issues and Health Care for Older People (pages 469–474): Julian C. HughesChapter 65 Organs and Tissues for Transplantation and Research (pages 475–481): David P. T. PriceChapter 66 Living Donor Organ Transplantation (pages 483–488): Timothy M. WilkinsonChapter 67 Euthanasia and Principled Health Care Ethics: From Conflict to Compromise? (pages 489–495): Richard HuxtableChapter 68 Understanding and Misunderstanding Death (pages 497–503): David LambChapter 69 Ethics without Boundaries: Medical Tourism (pages 505–510): Guido PenningsChapter 70 Ethics of Performance Enhancement in Sport: Drugs and Gene Doping (pages 511–519): Bennett Foddy and Julian SavulescuChapter 71 Training Good Professionals: Ethics and Health Care Education (pages 521–525): Nafsika AthanassoulisChapter 72 Ethics Consultation and Ethics Committees (pages 527–534): Anne SlowtherChapter 73 The Concepts of Health and Illness (pages 537–542): Lennart Y. NordenfeltChapter 74 Community in Public Health Ethics (pages 543–548): Bruce JenningsChapter 75 Health Promotion, Society and Health Care Ethics (pages 549–555): Alan CribbChapter 76 Preventing Disease (pages 557–562): Marcel VerweijChapter 77 Quantitative Methods for Priority?Setting in Health: Ethical Issues (pages 563–568): Daniel Wikler, Dan W. Brock, Sarah Marchand and Tessa Tan TorresChapter 78 Economics, Political Philosophy and Ethics: The Role of Public Preferences in Health Care Decision?Making (pages 569–576): Jeff Richardson and John McKieChapter 79 Decision Analysis: The Ethical Approach to Most Health Decision Making (pages 577–583): Jack DowieChapter 80 Health Inequities and the Social Determinants of Health (pages 585–591): Wendy RogersChapter 81 Organizational Ethics in Health Care (pages 593–600): Jacob E. Kurlander and Marion DanisChapter 82 Ethical Issues in Epidemiology (pages 601–606): Steven S. CoughlinChapter 83 Screening: Ethical Aspects (pages 607–615): Niklas Juth and Christian MuntheChapter 84 Vaccination Ethics (pages 617–622): Angus DawsonChapter 85 The Patient as Victim and Vector: Bioethics and the Challenge of Infectious Diseases (pages 623–630): Margaret P. Battin, Linda S. Carr?Lee, Leslie P. Francis, Jay A. Jacobson and Charles B. SmithChapter 86 Bioterrorism, Society and Health Care Ethics (pages 631–637): Michael J. SelgelidChapter 87 Drug Addiction, Society and Ethics (pages 639–645): Wayne Hall and Adrian CarterChapter 88 Smoking: Is Acceptance of the Risks Fully Voluntary? (pages 647–653): Robert E. GoodinChapter 89 Doctors and Human Rights (pages 655–662): Doris SchroederChapter 90 Duties to Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Host Countries' Medical Systems (pages 663–670): Pascale Allotey, Hilary Pickles and Vanessa JohnstonChapter 91 Medical Aid in Disaster Relief (pages 671–677): Soren HolmChapter 92 The Ethics and Governance of Medical Research (pages 681–687): Richard E. AshcroftChapter 93 On the Ethics of Animal Research (pages 689–695): David DegraziaChapter 94 The Ethical Requirement for Systematic Reviews for Randomized Trials (pages 697–701): Mike ClarkeChapter 95 Informed Consent for Research (pages 703–710): James Flory, David Wendler and Ezekiel EmanuelChapter 96 Evaluating Benefits and Harms in Clinical Research (pages 711–717): Paul B. Miller and Charles WeijerChapter 97 Patients' Obligations? (pages 719–727): Simon WoodsChapter 98 Standard of Care Owed to Participants in Clinical Trials: Different Standards in Different Countries? (pages 729–734): Reidar K. LieChapter 99 Justice and Priority Setting in International Health Care Research (pages 735–741): Solomon R. BenatarChapter 100 Obligations of the Pharmaceutical Industry (pages 743–749): Udo Schuklenk and Jim GallagherChapter 101 Ethics and Medical Publishing (pages 751–758): Richard Smith and Iain ChalmersChapter 102 Human Reproductive Cloning (pages 759–765): D. Gareth Jones and Kerry A. GalvinChapter 103 Obtaining Human Eggs for Stem Cell Research: Ethical Issues (pages 767–773): Heather DraperChapter 104 The Ethics of Xenotransplantation (pages 775–781): Jonathan HughesChapter 105 Pharmacogenomics (pages 783–788): Ruth ChadwickChapter 106 Ethical Issues in Human Gene Transfer: A Historical Overview (pages 789–796): Eric T. Juengst and Hannah GrankvistChapter 107 The Ethics of Ageing, Immortality and Genetics (pages 797–801): Daniela Cutas and John HarrisChapter 108 Ethical Issues of Enhancement Technologies (pages 803–809): Ruud H. J. Ter Meulen, Lisbeth Nielsen and Laurens LandeweerdChapter 109 Psychosurgery and Neuroimplantation: Changing What is Deep Within a Person (pages 811–817): Grant GillettChapter 110 Resisting Addiction: Novel Application of Vaccines (pages 819–825): Andreas Hasman
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