(Ebook) Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle, Seventh Revised Edition, 2001 ISBN 9780309515214, 0309515211
Монография. - National academy press,Washington D.C., 2001. - 408 p.Subcommittee on Dairy Cattle Nutrition, Committee on Animal Nutrition, National Research CouncilISBN: 0-309-51521-1Since 1944, the National Research Council has published six editions of Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. This seventh revised edition, Nutrient Requirementsof Dairy Cattle2001, applies new information and technology to current issues in the field of dairycattle production.CONTENTS:OVERVIEWDRYMATTERINTAKE Equations for Predicting DMILactating CowsGrowing HeifersNutrients and Feeding Management Related to DMI of Lactating Dairy CowsMoistureNeutral Detergent FiberForage to Concentration RatioFatCow Behavior, Management, and Environmental Factors Affecting Feed IntakeEating Habits and Cow BehaviorWeatherFeeding Method—Total Mixed Rationvs. Individual IngredientFeeding FrequencySequence ofFeedingAccess toFeedReferencesENERGYEnergy Requirements of Lactating and Pregnant CowsEnergy UnitsEnergy Values of FeedsEstimating TDN of Feeds at MaintenanceEstimating DE of FeedsEstimating DE at ActualIntakeEstimating ME at ActualIntakeEstimating NEL at ActualIntakeEstimating Net Energy of Feeds for Maintenance and GainComparison of New NEL Values withValues from 1989 EditionPrecautionsEnergy RequirementsMaintenance RequirementsLactation RequirementsActivity RequirementsEnvironmental EffectsPregnancy RequirementsTissue Mobilization and Repletion During Lactation and the Dry PeriodBody Condition ScoringReferencesFATDigestion and AbsorptionDigestibility and Energy Value of FatsEffects of Faton Ruminal FermentationUtilization of Fat in Calf DietsFat in Lactation DietsReferencesCARBOHYDRATESNonstructural CarbohydratesStructural CarbohydratesNDF RecommendationsADF RequirementReferencesPROTEIN AND AMINOACIDSImportance and Goals of Protein and Amino Acid NutritionMajor Differences from Previous EditionProteinChemistry of Feed CrudeProteinMechanism of Ruminal Protein DegradationKinetics of Ruminal Protein DegradationNitrogen Solubility vs. Protein DegradationMicrobial Requirements for N SubstratesAnimal Responses to CP, RDP, and RUPSynchronizing Ruminal Proteinand Carbohydrate DigestionEffects on Microbial Protein SynthesisRuminally Protected ProteinsPredicting Passage of Microbial ProteinPredicting Passage of Rumen Undegradable Feed ProteinDigestibility of Rumen Undegradable Feed ProteinPredicting Passage of Endogenous ProteinEvaluation of Model for Predicting Flows of N FractionsPredicting Passage of Metabolizable ProteinMetabolizable Protein RequirementsMP Requirements for MaintenanceProtein Requirements for PregnancyProtein Requirements for LactationProtein Requirements for GrowthAmino AcidsEssential vs. Nonessential Amino AcidsLimiting Essential Amino AcidsPredicting Passage to the Small IntestineRequirements for Lysine and Methionine in Metabolizable Protein for Lactating CowsRuminally Protected Amino AcidsReferencesMINERALSMacromineralsCalciumPhosphorusSodiumChlorinePotassiumMagnesiumSulfurTrace MineralsCobaltCopperIodineIronManganeseMolybdenumSeleniumZincChromiumAluminum, Arsenic, Nickel, Silica, Tin, and VanadiumToxic MineralsCadmiumFluorineLeadMercuryReferencesVITAMINSFat-Soluble VitaminsVitamin AVitamin DVitamin EVitamin KWater-Soluble VitaminsB-VitaminsBiotinFolic acidInositoNiacinPantothenic AcidRiboflavin (B2)Thiamin (B1)Vitamin B12B-Vitamins-GeneralVitamin CCholineReferencesWATER REQUIREMENTSWater IntakeDry CowsCalves and HeifersDrinking BehaviorWater QualitySummaryReferencesUNIQUE ASPECTS OF DAIRY CATTLE NUTRITIONTransition Cows and Nonlactating CowsNutritional and Physiologic Status of theTransition CowNutrient Requirements for PregnancyNutrient IntakeEnergy and Protein Density for Dry Cow DietsEtiology and Nutritional Prevention of Metabolic DisordersFatty Liver and KetosisUdder EdemaMilk FeverGrass TetanyRetained Placenta and MetritisDisplacement of the AbomasumRumen Acidosis and LaminitisMilk Fat DepressionPerformance ModifiersMineral Salts and Their Role as BuffersIonophoresDirect Fed MicrobialsFungal CulturesBovine SomatotropinReferencesNUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS OF THE YOUNG CALFEnergy Requirements of CalvesYoung Replacement Calves Fed Milk or Milk Replacer OnlyYoung Replacement Calves Fed Milk and Starter Feed or Milk ReplacerandStarter FeedVeal CalvesRuminant Calves(Large-Breed and Small-Breed Females) from Weaning to Body Weight of 100 kilogramsEffects of Environmental Temperatureon Energy Requirements of YoungCalvesProtein Requirements of CalvesMineral and Vitamin Requirements of CalvesMineralsVitaminsFeed Composition Data with Application to Diet Formulations for CalvesOther Aspects of Calf NutritionFetal NutritionColostrumWater and ElectrolytesMilk ReplacersFeed AdditivesPractical Feeding ConsiderationsReferencesGROWTHEnergy and Protein Requirements for Growing Dairy HeifersTerminologyGrowth RequirementsandCompositionofGainEvaluation of Model Predictions of Energy and Protein Requirements for Growth of Dairy HeifersSetting Target Growth RatesEvaluation of Target Weight EquationsMaintenance Requirement Effectson GrowthBasal Maintenance RequirementAdjustment for Previous TemperatureAdjustment for Previous Plane of NutritionAdjustment for the Direct Effects of ColdStressAdjustment for the Direct Effects of Heat StressModel EvaluationReferencesDAIRY CATTLE NUTRITION AND THE ENVIRONMENTNitrogenPhosphorusSummaryReferencesCARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY AND FEED PROCESSINGNonstructural CarbohydratesAnalytic ProceduresNeutral Detergent FiberNeutral Detergent Insoluble NitrogenAcid Detergent FiberAcid Detergent Insoluble NitrogenLigninTotal NonstructuralCarbohydratesEffects of Processingon Energyin FeedSources of StarchOilseedsReferencesNUTRIENT REQUIREMENT TABLESNUTRIENT COMPOSITION OF FEEDSMODEL EVALUATION AND PREDICTION EQUATIONS GLOSSARYUSER’S GUIDEABOUT THE AUTHORSINDEX
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