(Ebook) ISO 9001: 2000 For Small Businesses, 3rd Edition by Ray Tricker ISBN 9780750666176, 9781423723394, 075066617X, 1423723392
The Complete ISO 9001:2000 Package - A Proven Route to AccreditationReviews of the Previous Edition:"I found this book to be both informative and well written. The numerous examples and detailed insight have empowered our company to tackle the jump from theory to practice. I would recommend this book to any small business wishing to develop a Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001." David Ferguson, Operations Director, Training Partners LimitedBook * The top selling ISO quality management handbook, fully updated with four years of field experience Software * Fully accessible electronic files available on demand, including a selection of audit checklists from ISO 9001:2000 Audit Procedures, Second EditionSupport * Author guidance via a helpdesk service that can save thousands in consultancy feesSmall and medium-sized companies face many challenges today including the demand by larger customers for ISO 9000 compliance. Four years into the current version of ISO 9000, the new edition of this life-saving book incorporates the hard-won field experience of actually working with the standard. Along with a thoroughly updated and customisable generic Quality Manual with audit checklists for developing a complete Quality Management System, the book provides valuable advice on:* Compatibility and Inter-Relationship between other Management Standards * Basic Requirements to Set Up an Integrated Management System* The Eight Principles of Management* Specific Requirements of ISO 9000 Demanded by Management* The Six Mandatory Requirements for Written Procedures* How to Meet the Requirements of ISO 9000* Conducting Internal Audit Programs * How to Handle Non-Conforming Products* How to Provide Customer SatisfactionWhether coming to the standard for the first time, or migrating from earlier standards, this book is the essential guide to the most important quality management standard for engineers and managers in small and medium-sized companies, in service industries and in user groups. * The top-selling ISO quality management handbook* Supported by a customisable Quality Management System and author guidance via a 'helpdesk' service which can save readers quite literally thousands in consultancy fees!* Fully updated to the latest experiences of using 9001:2000, with information about the inter-relationship with the latest versions of related management standards (e.g EMS, QS9000, TL9000, BS15000, ISO 13485)*Includes a thoroughly revised and updated example Quality Manual
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