(Ebook) Discourses on Shrimad Bhagavata by Swami Tejomayananda ISBN 9788172249755, 8172249756
Shrimad Bhagavata is renowned as one of the greatest compositions in Sanskrit literature. This eighteenth Purana composed by Maharishi Veda-vyasa is extolled as the Mahapurana and is an integral part of the fabric of Indian culture. It stands unparalleled in its distinct and resplendent exaltation of devotion to God, revealing throughout the quintessence of Vedantic teachings.Masterfully profound and delightfully enchanting. Shrimad Bhagavata abounds in word-paintings of the supreme Lord’s wondrous and endearing avatars, divine sports, and devotees-paintings that kindle, intensify, and establish devotion in one’s heart. This spring of devotion leads one to satsang, to the Guru, and to teachings that unveil one’s essential nature of Brahman.Swami Tejomayananda’s acclaimed discourses on Shrimad Bhagavata are a rare treasure trough of spiritual wisdom, illuminating and transformative, inspiring even those immersed in material pursuits to walk the spiritual path. The reader will not only be greatly benefited and enlightened by this treatise, but will also find insightful explanations on weighty and debated topics.His Holiness Swami Chinmayananda, one of the most illustrious spiritual masters and Vedantins of the twentieth century, said, “Swami Tejomayananda has brought forth and unfolded the deeper import of this renowned and glorious scripture with immense clarify and flowing spontaneity.”Table of Contents:-Bhāgavata Māhātmya 1. Invocation 2. The Glory of Shrīmad Bhāgavata 3. Maharishi Nārada Meets Bhakti 4. Nārada Meets the Sanatkumāras 5. The Glory of Listening to Bhāgavata 6. Ātmadeva and Dhundhulī 7. The Fall and Redemption of Dhundhukārī 8. Gokarṇa’s Bhāgavata Kathā 9. The Sanatkumāras Conduct a Bhāgavata SaptāḥCanto One 1.1 The Questions of Shaunaka Rishi and Others 1.2 Sūta’s Answers 1.3 The Nature and Purpose of Duty 1.4 The Nature of Truth 1.5 The Purpose of the Lord’s Manifestations 1.6 The Discontentment of Maharishi Veda-vyāsa 1.7 Sage Nārada’s Previous Birth 1.8 Parīkshita Is Protected in the Womb 1.9 The Attributes of the Qualified Listener 1.10 Vidura’s Teachings, the Departure of Dhṛtarāshṭra and Gāndhārī 1.11 The Dialogue between Lord Dharma and Mother Earth 1.12 Parīkshita Subdues Kali 1.13 The Five Abodes of Kali 1.14 Raja Parīkshita Is Cursed 1.15 Raja Parīkshita’s Repentance 1.16 Parīkshita’s Dispassion, Arrival of Shri ShukadevaCanto Two 2.1 The Answers to Parīkshita’s Questions 2.2 Meditation on the Lord’s Cosmic Form 2.3 Meditation on the Lord’s Subtle Form 2.4 Meditation on the Lord’s Attributes 2.5 Parīkshita’s Questions about Creation 2.6 The Puranic Style of Answering Questions 2.7 Sage Nārada Asks Lord Brahma 2.8 Lord Nārāyaṇa and Lord Brahma 2.9 Parīkshita’s Extensive List of Questions 2.10 Catuḥślokī Bhāgavata 2.11 The Ten Topics of BhāgavataCanto Three 3.2 Varāha Avatar 3.3 Diti’s Request 3.4 Jaya and Vijaya Are Cursed 3.5 The Birth of Hiraṇyāksha and Hiraṇyakashipu 3.6 The Battle between Lord Varāha and Hiraṇyāksha 3.7 The Avatar of Lord Kapila 3.8 Lord Kapila Teaches DevahūtiCanto Four 4.1 Daksha Prajapati’s Disdain for Lord Shiva 4.2 Sati Immolates Herself at Daksha’s Yajna 4.3 The Fury of Lord Shiva 4.4 The Completion of Daksha’s Sacrifice 4.5 Dhruva Is Dishonoured 4.6 Dhruva Goes to the Forest 4.7 Sage Nārada’s Teachings to Dhruva 4.8 Dhruva Returns Home 4.9 Dhruva’s War on the Yakṣas, Raja Manu’s Teachings 4.10 Ascension to 4.11 Dhruva’s Dynasty, Raja Aṅga, Raja Veṇa 4.12 The Advent of Raja Pṛthu 4.13 The Lord Blesses Raja Pṛthu 4.14 Raja Pṛthu’s Teachings to His Subjects 4.15 Raja Pṛthu Receives Teachings from the Sanatkumāras 4.16 Lord Shiva’s Teachings to the Prachetās 4.17 The Story of Purañjana 4.18 The Symbolism of the Story of PurañjanaCanto Five 5.1 Raja Priyavrata 5.2 Priyavrata’s Dynasty 5.3 Ṛshabha Avatar 5.4 Lord Ṛshabha’s Teachings to His Sons 5.5 Dharma of the Paramahaṁsa 5.6 Bharata’s Attachment 5.7 Jaḍa-bharata Meets King Rahūgaṇa 5.8 Jaḍa-bharata’s Teachings 5.9 The Allegory of Bhavāṭavī 5.10 Description of the Universe 5.11 The Myriad Hells and Their PunishmentsCanto Six 6.1 The Story of Ajāmila 6.2 The Glory of the Lord’s Name 6.3 Indra Insults His Guru 6.4 The Devas Choose Vishvarūpa 6.5 The Bones of Dadhīchi Rishi 6.6 Vṛtrāsura’s Devotion 6.7 Vṛtrāsura’s Previous BirthCanto Seven 7.1 Yudhishṭhira’s Dialogue with Sage Nārada 7.2 Hiraṇyakashipu, the Sermonizer 7.3 Hiraṇyakashipu’s Austerities and Boons 7.4 Prahlāda 7.5 Hiraṇyakashipu’s Atrocities against Prahlāda 7.6 Prahlāda and the Asura Children 7.7 Nṛsiṁha Avatar 7.8 Dharmas of Āśramas and Varṇas 7.9 Universal Dharma 7.10 Dharma of a Woman 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 The Way to Liberation for HouseholdersCanto Eight 8.1 Gajendra’s Moksha 8.2 Lord Brahma’s Prayer to Lord Ajita 8.3 The Devas Offer a Proposal 8.4 The Churning of the Milky Ocean 8.5 Lord Shiva Drinks Poison 8.6 Mohinī Avatar 8.7 Symbolism of the Churning of the Milky Ocean 8.8 Battle of the Devas and Asuras 8.9 The Enchantment of Lord Shiva 8.10 Raja Bali Conquers Amarāvatī 8.11 Vāmana Avatar 8.12 Raja Bali Holds on to Truth 8.13 The Crushing of Raja Bali’s Ego 8.14 The Lord’s Love for His Devotees 8.15 Matsya AvatarCanto Nine 9.1 The Tale of Ambarīsha 9.2 The Ikshvāku Dynasty 9.3 Shri Rama and Shri Krishna 9.4 Shri Rama: The Epitome of Virtues 9.5 Parashurāma Avatar 9.6 The Story of Yayāti 9.7 Rantideva’s Compassion and MagnanimityCanto Ten 10.1 The Prelude to an Avatar 10.2 The Lord’s Assurance to Mother Earth 10.3 The Wedding of Vasudeva and Devakī 10.4 Vasudeva Makes a Promise 10.5 The Killing of Devakī’s Six Sons 10.6 Lord Brahma Sings Praises of the Supreme 10.7 The Lord Manifests as Shri Krishna 10.8 Shri Krishna Is Taken to Gokul 10.9 Yogamāyā Foretells the Future 10.10 Celebrations in Nanda’s Home 10.11 The Liberation of Pūtanā 10.12 The Redemption of Shakaṭāsura 10.13 The Salvation of Tṛnāvarta 10.14 The Naming Ceremony of Nanda’s Sons 10.15 The Childhood Plays and Divine Sports of Shri Krishna 10.16 Why Shri Krishna Ate Mud 10.17 Shri Krishna Is Tied 10.18 The Release of Kubera’s Sons 10.19 The Liberation of Vatsāsura 10.20 The Salvation of Bakāsura 10.21 The Redemption of Aghāsura 10.22 Lord Brahma’s Delusion 10.23 The Salvation of Dhenukāsura 10.24 The Subjugation of Kāliya 10.25 Shri Krishna Swallows Fire 10.26 Balarāma Redeems Pralambāsura 10.27 Shri Krishna Drinks the Forest Fire 10.28 The Glory of the Lord’s Flute 10.29 The Song of the Flute 10.30 The Significance of Shri Krishna Stealing Clothes 10.31 The Gopa-bālas Ask the Brahmins for Food 10.32 The Crushing of Indra’s Ego 10.33 Mount Govardhan Is Lifted 10.34 Nanda Bābā Is Rescued from 10.35 Introduction to 10.36 10.37 Gopī-gīta 10.38 The Liberation of Sudarshana and Shaṅkhachūḍa 10.39 Yugala-gīta 10.40 The Redemption of Arishṭāsura, Keshi, and Vyomāsura 10.41 Akrūra’s Arrival in Vraja 10.42 Shri Krishna and Balarāma Leave for Mathura 10.43 Shri Krishna Enters Mathura 10.44 The Lord’s Grace on Kubjā 10.45 The Bow Is Broken 10.46 The Moksha of Kuvalayāpīḍa 10.47 The Redemption of Chāṇūra, Mushṭika, and Others 10.48 Kaṁsa Is Liberated 10.49 Student Life at Sāndīpani Ashram 10.50 Uddhava’s Pilgrimage to Vraja 10.51 Uddhava’s Dialogue with the Gopīs 10.52 Shri Krishna Visits Kubjā 10.53 Shri Krishna Visits Akrūra 10.54 Jarāsandha’s Seventeen Attacks on Mathura 10.55 The Creation of Dvārakā 10.56 Kālayavana Chases Shri Krishna 10.57 The Waking of Raja Muchukunda 10.58 The Weddings of Balarāma and Shri Krishna 10.59 Rukmiṇī’s Message to Shri Krishna 10.60 Rukmiṇī Is Taken Away 10.61 Shri Krishna and Rukmiṇī Wed in Vedic Tradition 10.62 Pradyumna Slays Shambarāsura 10.63 The Syamantaka Jewel 10.64 Shri Krishna Marries Jāmbavatī 10.65 Shri Krishna Weds Satyabhāmā 10.66 Shri Krishna’s Other Weddings 10.67 The Redemption of Bhaumāsura 10.68 Shri Krishna’s Sixteen Thousand Wives 10.69 Shri Krishna and Rukmiṇī’s Dialogue 10.70 Shri Krishna’s Descendants 10.71 The Redemption of King Nṛga 10.72 The Story of King Pauṇḍraka 10.73 Nārada Witnesses Shri Krishna’s Life as a Householder 10.74 A Plea from the Kings Imprisoned by Jarāsandha 10.75 Journey to Indraprastha 10.76 The Redemption of Jarāsandha 10.77 Lord Krishna Is Honoured and Shishupāla Is Redeemed 10.78 Duryodhana Feels Humiliated 10.79 Balarāma’s Pilgrimage 10.80 The Story of Sudāmā 10.81 Devakī’s Six Sons Are Brought Back 10.82 Subhadrā and Arjuna 10.83 Shri Krishna Appears in Two Places at Once 10.84 The Destruction of Bhasmāsura 10.85 Bhṛgu Rishi Tests Brahma-Vishnu-ShivaCanto Eleven 11.1 The Circumstances Leading to the Destruction of the Yādava Clan 11.2 The Brahmins’ Curse on the Yadu Dynasty 11.3 Sage Nārada’s Advice to Vasudeva 11.4 The Dialogue between Raja Nimi and the Nine Yogis 11.5 The First Question: The Meaning of 11.6 The Second Question: The Attributes of a Devotee 11.7 The Third Question: The Nature of Maya 11.8 The Fourth Question: The Means to Conquer Maya 11.9 The Fifth Question: The Nature of Lord Nārāyaṇa 11.10 The Sixth Question: The Nature of 11.11 The Seventh Question: The Stories of the Lord’s Avatars 11.12 The Eighth Question: The Fate of Non-devotees 11.13 The Ninth Question: The Means to Attain the Lord in the Four Yugas 11.14 The Devas Pray for the Lord’s Return to 11.15 Uddhava’s Prayer to Shri Krishna 11.16 Avadhūta-gītā 11.18 The Characteristics of Bondage, Liberation, and the Devotee 11.19 The Glory of Satsang 11.20 The Legend of the 11.21 The Best Path to Reach God 11.22 Exposition on Siddhis 11.23 The 11.24 Dharma in the Various Stages of Life 11.25 The Description of Pure Knowledge and Pure Devotion 11.26 11.27 Deliberation on Virtue and Vice 11.28 Deliberation on 11.29 11.30 11.31 The Effects of the Three Gunas 11.32 11.33 11.34 Shri Krishna Speaks on Knowledge of the SelfCanto Twelve 12.1 The Characteristics of Kali-yuga 12.2 The Four Types of Dissolution 12.3 The Liberation of Parīkshita 12.4 Mārkaṇḍeya Rishi’s Vision of Maya 12.5 Epilogue
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