(Ebook) Common grasses, legumes and forbs of the eastern United States: identification and adaptation by Abaye, Azenegashe Ozzie; Chamblee, Douglas Scales; Green, James Terrell; Rayburn, Edward B.; Wieboldt, Thomas F ISBN 9780128139516, 012813951X
"[P]rovides in one place a description of the most common grasses, legumes, and nonleguminous forbs of the eastern United States. It covers many of the most important grassland, turf, and noncrop plants and their seeds. Included are both crops and weeds, since the two are inextricably connected in the field. Unlike many publications that include plant identification, we emphasize Vegetative Identification. Most plants flower for a relative short period; so the person in the field is frequently faced with identifying a plant without a flower. We also include Floral Identification--because it can be definitive and can sometimes greatly simplify the identification process. The photographs and other illustrations are intended to help with these determinations. Besides identification of important species, we describe other key characteristics such as adaptation, favorable and unfavorable soil types, seasonal growth patterns, and toxicity. For plants harvested for hay or silage or by grazing, we discuss cutting and grazing management, quality factors, and potential yields. Because of its organization and content, this book should be a valuable reference for farmers and farm advisors, teachers and students of agronomy, or for anyone interested in the dynamic relationship between plants and agriculture"--Page xiii. Abstract: "[P]rovides in one place a description of the most common grasses, legumes, and nonleguminous forbs of the eastern United States. It covers many of the most important grassland, turf, and noncrop plants and their seeds. Included are both crops and weeds, since the two are inextricably connected in the field. Unlike many publications that include plant identification, we emphasize Vegetative Identification. Most plants flower for a relative short period; so the person in the field is frequently faced with identifying a plant without a flower. We also include Floral Identification--because it can be definitive and can sometimes greatly simplify the identification process. The photographs and other illustrations are intended to help with these determinations. Besides identification of important species, we describe other key characteristics such as adaptation, favorable and unfavorable soil types, seasonal growth patterns, and toxicity. For plants harvested for hay or silage or by grazing, we discuss cutting and grazing management, quality factors, and potential yields. Because of its organization and content, this book should be a valuable reference for farmers and farm advisors, teachers and students of agronomy, or for anyone interested in the dynamic relationship between plants and agriculture"--Page xiii
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