(Ebook) Bailey’s Industrial Oil And Fat Products. 6 Volume Set by Fereidoon Shahidi ISBN 9782381970776, 9781043626518, 2381970770, 1043626514
Oils and fats are important components of foods, and they, or their derivatives andproducts thereof, play an important role in non-food applications. In food, oils andfats provide a concentrated source of energy as well as a carrier of fat-soluble components.They also serve as a heat transfer medium for food processing and renderdesirable texture and flavor as well as mouthfeel to products. Oils and fats originatefrom plant and animal sources. Although plant sources include oilseeds, tropicalfruits, and alga, the latter may originate from land-based animals, fish, marinemammals, and derived sources. The main components of food lipids are triacylglycerols,but minor components are also important for quality characteristics, stability,and application areas. Both the type of fatty acids and their degree ofunsaturation as well as the type and content of minor components affect the keepingquality of the oil, and certain minor components such as phytosterols might also beused for fingerprinting and authentification of the source materials.The physical state of fats and oils and their crystal structures are important forapplication of such products. In addition, formulation of products for special applicationssuch as bakery, confectionary, frying, salad dressing, margarines, andspreads requires special characteristics that make the products suitable for such purposes.Thus, each source material will be important for its physical and chemicalcharacteristics and hence suitability as a food component.
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