(Ebook) An Introduction to Clinical Trials by Jonathan A. Cook ISBN 9780198885238, 0198885237
Clinical trials are experiments on humans. The why, when, and how of clinicaltrials is a serious business and needs careful consideration. Conducting aclinical trial can only be justified for honourable ends. We use clinical trials tostudy the impact of medical treatments, to learn which treatments work, howthey work, and who they benefit. Clinical trials shine light on the complex relationshipbetween healthcare and health. Ultimately, we do this to improvethe health of society through the treatment of future patients.This book provides a short and accessible introduction to the basic principlesand practices of clinical trials. It focuses mainly on randomized controlledtrials as the ‘ultimate’ clinical trial. This book is intended for twoprimary audiences. First, it is for those who need to learn about clinical trialsas part of their formal studies, such as a medical degree or a Master’s coursein one of a range of subjects relevant to clinical trials (e.g. medical statistics orepidemiology). Second, it is intended to be an accessible introduction or refresherfor those who are involved in clinical trials in a professional capacity.Many people who work on clinical trials come from a range of educationaland professional backgrounds— my wife came to work in trials after a degreein history. Others may have health professional backgrounds such as medicine,nursing, physiotherapy, and midwifery. As such, they may have had limitedor no formal training in clinical trials before starting work in a new role.Any training they have had is likely to be of the theoretical kind, and withoutany practical exposure. Others often make the move from one of the laboratorysciences to working on clinical trials. Laboratory sciences are radicallydifferent in terms of study design, conduct, statistical analysis, and reporting.This book is intended to aid individuals in their professional lives to transitionto working in clinical trials from other areas.
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